…the essential ideas on our areas of research
Read the information given by our supervisor in the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon:
"Origins, Meaning and Evolution of Artistic Styles:
Evolution of Concepts in their Cultural Contexts from Antiquity to the Modern World." (*)
A relevant discovery existing since 2002 (and other findings made until 2010, recognized by who knows better our thematic researches) remains silent and hidden.
Is it to avoid perturbing some powerful persons: a small number of «professors»; which, perhaps (?) may feel weakened or fragile, because the history of artistic and architectural styles is different from the one they have known?
Or (possibly?) these innovations shall occur, and shall be known only in the next generation? But still not yet; not now, as it is too soon: let us wait!
Considering the present situation what shall we choose?
- The institutional entities position, and the University passion for scientific growth (that we see as nothing) with expressions like: "Don’t hurry! Be happy! You have a lifetime to live! Avoid mental fatigue! Wait forever…!"
- Or our guidelines: doing our best to be focused, the maximum we can? Surviving in a (strongly) ironic manner, towards those who want to put an end in our findings. Those which in their deeper desires, they still pretend nothing happened. Those that keep untouched – and naturally in an inevitable growing - their own intellectual poorness!
Besides, Portugal wants to stay, always, a poor country? Indifferent towards Creativity, Industry or Modernity: as written often, about the past, J.-A. França. Indifferent also to the personal realization of every Portuguese: man or woman?
For how long can the Portuguese University remain asleep? Or:
"How Fast Can Portugal Grow?" (**)
(*)Coordinator: Professor Fernando António Baptista Pereira - http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?client=tmpg&depth=1&hl=en&langpair=pt%7Cen&rurl=translate.google.com&twu=1&u=http://ifh.fba.ul.pt/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D27%26Itemid%3D49&usg=ALkJrhgqSO72djPmzOWGV4Pxns2onZZl9Q.
A theme that we know and can prove, IADE intends to ignore. History of Art is taught but only in the traditional way and without any new interpretations: even if proposed - or if they were discovered - by its own teachers.
(**) See page 2 - in: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/scr/2013/cr1319.pdf
And see also: